National Theatre Niš
Excerpt of the company’s Articles of Association
The industrial production, installation and trade of high-tech hydraulic and electric lifts and their instruments and components, as well as any other mechanical equipment product, the provision of services (façon - repairs and maintenance) related to the above products, and
The representation in Greece of industrial and commercial units abroad with similar types and the participation of the Company in other similar or not enterprises or companies of any legal type or the acquisition of such or existing companies or the acquisition of shares or other titles of any Greek or foreign companies listed or not listed on the Athens Exchange Group or participating in Mutual Funds.
The electricity production by photovoltaic systems.
The provision of advice and services to any natural or legal person, including companies in which the Company participates, in all areas, such as indicatively, in the areas of general administration, commercial management, human resources management, insurance, promotion, IT, financial as well as management of tax, accounting and legal issues.
In order to carry out its scope the Company may sign any deed and undertake any activity including but not limited to, the following:
The granting and taking of loans, credits, third party guarantees, guarantees and securities of any form, in rem or in personam in favour of any natural or legal person.
The participation, cooperation with or representation in any way of any natural or legal person or association existing or to be incorporated in the future, domestic or foreign, with the same or similar scope.
the performance of all the above activities either on its behalf or on behalf of third parties, with or without consideration, either in a partnership or in consortium with third natural persons or legal entities or associations.
The share capital of the Company is 18.209.499,00 Euro, divided into 23,648,700 common registered shares of nominal value 0.77 Euro each.
The shares of the Company are common, nominal, registered, in physical form and not freely transferable. Shares of the Company may be transferred only after the permission of the Board of Directors.
The General Meeting of shareholders of the Company is the supreme body of the Company. It has the right to resolve with regard to any Company’s matter and its lawful decisions are binding also for shareholders that are absent or disagree, as well.
The General Meeting is exclusively responsible to decide on the issues referred to in law 4548/2018, as being at the exclusive powers of the General Meeting. The matters relating to the invitation, convocation and proceeding of the General Meeting which are not regulated by these Articles of Association are regulated by law 4548/2018.
The Company is managed by the Board of Directors, composed of at least three (3) up to fifteen (15) members, who may be shareholders or not, natural persons or legal persons.
The General Meeting shall appoint the members of the Board of Directors and the duration of their term, which may not exceed six (6) years and which shall be automatically extended until the expiry of the period within which the next Ordinary General Meeting must take place and until the relevant decision is made.
The members of the Board of Directors may be re-elected and may be freely revoked from their position.
The Board of Directors manages (administration and disposal) the property of the Company and is entrusted with its representation. It resolves on all matters regarding the Company within its scope, including granting guarantees in favour of third parties, in accordance with articles 99-101 of law 4548/2018, issuing a bond loan in accordance with articles 59 et seq. of law 4548/2018 and law 3156/2003, as in force, as well as providing authorization to one or more of its members in order for them to determine the conditions of the loan in addition to its amount and category.
The Board of Directors may assign the performance of all or parts of its authorities and powers as well as the representation of the Company to one or more of its members or third persons and specify the extents of this delegation.
The financial year shall last twelve (12) months. It shall commence on January 1st of each year and shall end on December 31st of said year.
The net profits of the Company are reflected in the income statement and are distributed-if they can be distributed in accordance with the law – by a resolution of the General Meeting.
In relation to the Auditors of the Company, the provisions of the current legislation apply.
For any matter not regulated in the Articles of Association, the provisions of law 4548/2018 on Societes Anonymes as in force from time to time shall apply.
Please note that the original Articles of Association, as amended and codified in a single text, have been drawn up in the Greek language. The present constitutes a translation thereof. In case of discrepancies between the Greek text version of the Articles of Association and the present translation thereof, the Greek version shall prevail.