National Theatre Niš
KLEEMANN, un des principaux fabricants d' ascenseurs sur le marché Européen et mondial.
Sécurité, confiance, passion pour les gens, culture de la percée
Tous les types d'ascenseurs et de monte-charges du concept initial au design et à la production
Nos produits fournissent des solutions flexibles avec des options de personnalisation complètes
Par la modernisation totale ou partielle, nous améliorons l'expérience de l'utilisateur
For our people each project is a chance to go beyond conventional engineering and design.
Let us take you a step forward.
Nous sommes fiers de notre culture unique en milieu de travail, qui fait la promotion du professionnalisme et de l'esprit d'équipe
In the first half-year period of 2016, sales of Kleemann Group were increased compared to last year. Specifically, the turnover of the Group amounted to 52.9 million euro compared to 47.9 million in the respective period of 2015, a total increase of 10.6%.
The EBITDA margin of the Group amounted to 7.2% down from 7.5% in the respective period last year, while pretax profit amounted to 2.3 million euro from 2.1 million euro with the respective margin amounting to 4,4 %, approximately the same as it was in the first half of 2015.
Finally, earnings after tax and non-controlling interest amounted to 1.1 million euros, as last year, while the respective margin is estimated at 2.1% from 2.3% in the first half of 2015.
The Group has a presence through subsidiaries and offices in 15 countries, the international share of sales of the group is 92%, while the total number of employees has grown to 1,201 people from 1,169 people on December 31, 2015.
Despite the continuing challenges in significant international markets, such as Turkey, the management expects for the Group to maintain its healthy liquidity in 2016, while it continues penetrating markets that show growth potential.