National Theatre Niš
Atlas Gigas R is a perfect choice for hotels operating rated loads of 1150–2500kg. Featuring KLEEMANN’s premium quality gearless motor, Atlas Gigas R is equipped with a state-of-the-art inverter that provides outstanding ride quality and exceptionally low energy consumption and sound levels.
Atlas Gigas R offers space efficiency through the option to install a larger car in a standard-sized shaft, perfect for high density passenger flow. This versatility allows Atlas Gigas R to be adapted to accommodate your specific needs.
Customise your lift to reflect the style and ambience of your hotel by selecting from a wide choice of design options and finishes.
Mix & match design
Mix & match all available materials offered by KLEEMANN standard range or create a product featuring your own floor and wall finishes that perfectly fits your space and meets your requirements.
Atlas Gigas R is equipped with certified safety components of the highest quality, ensuring the excellent lift operation, even for extremely demanding needs.
Spatial efficiency
Optimum space efficiency is granted for high density passenger flow provided by the capability for larger car installation in a standard shaft.
Atlas Gigas R has been designed according to the Eco design principles (ISO 14006) and holds an Environmental Product Declaration in compliance with ISO 14025.
Machine lifting system
Atlas Gigas R is supplied with a machine lifting system, especially designed to facilitate the installation of high rated load lifts, hence, larger motors.
Fast delivery
KLEEMANN provides record fast delivery for standard orders.
Elevators in public places are often subject of abuse and attempts are often made to damage both their interior (COPs, Mirror, etc.) and their exterior (landing doors, LOPs etc.).
The Destination Control System is an additional system which increases the efficiency of the lift operation and reduces waiting times.
Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon. KLEEMANN, in order to ensure safety in a lift, developed an earthquake resistant lift. Such an application, the first in Europe, assures that any lift hydraulic or traction can be turned to an earthquake resistant lift just by adding a few extra features.
Firefighting is a type of elevator which allows firefighters to use it in order to rescue people who may be trapped on upper floors during an event of fire in a building.
Green lifts are a current trend and a market driver. The reason is that as the population grows the energy demand is increasing respectively. Some estimate that buildings consume about 40% of the world's energy, and elevators contribute almost 2% to 10% to the building's energy use.
The Magic Mirror is an LCD display, which is functioning as a normal display while it is activated and as a full mirror while it is deactivated. The surface glass/mirror is constructed to be combined with the LCD display and it complies with the necessary surface, hardness and tension requirements.