ιδιοκτήτης κτιρίου

Dețineți o clădire?

Aici găsiți toate informațiile de care aveți nevoie pentru a face cea mai bună alegere! Rețeaua internațională de distribuitori KLEEMANN se va asigura că proiectul va fi finalizat la timp și că va respecta normele de calitate impuse de KLEEMANN.

Are you a building owner?

With a sales network of more than 100 countries, KLEEMANN has built on an international network of distributors that provide the local markets with complete lift solutions. Our distributors ensure that the project is completed timely and according to the KLEEMANN quality standards.

Regardless the complexity or time and budget limitations of the project, the KLEEMANN distributors’ network will respond to your needs and assist you all through the development and installation process, under the guidance support of KLEEMANN.

Our distributors are installation & maintenance companies that have been selected for their technical and professional know-how, as well as their first-class customer service.

With a distribution network that is constantly growing, you will easily find a KLEEMANN distributor that can offer you professional services in the installation and maintenance of your lifts. Check our list of distributors or contact us to find you closest distributor.

KLEEMAN Video Corporativ

Inovăm, dezvoltăm și îmbunătățim constant

Simplificarea procesului de business cu KLEEMANN

Scopul nostru este să facem totul cât mai ușor pentru dumneavoastră!?

Selected Projects

National Theatre Niš

National Theatre Niš

As a reliable and innovative brand, known for specialising in unique and customised solutions, KLEEMANN prides for its projects all around the world. Each one of them is unique, as unique are our customers!

Milentijeva 3 Niš

Milentijeva 3 Niš

As a reliable and innovative brand, known for specialising in unique and customised solutions, KLEEMANN prides for its projects all around the world. Each one of them is unique, as unique are our customers!

Hijeroglif Niš

Hijeroglif Niš

As a reliable and innovative brand, known for specialising in unique and customised solutions, KLEEMANN prides for its projects all around the world. Each one of them is unique, as unique are our customers!

Courtyard by Marriott Tashkent hotel

Courtyard by Marriott Tashkent hotel

Experience vertical mobility at Courtyard by Marriott Tashkent hotel with one οf six cutting-edge Atlas MRL elevators by KLEEMANN.

De ce să alegeți KLEEMANN



Siguranță absolută atât pentru instalatori cât și pentru utilizatori



Design de clasă mondială care înalță factorul estetic pe o treaptă superioară



Proiecte ecologice, respectând lumea în care trăim



Control riguros al calității aplicat pe tot parcursul procedurii de fabricație



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